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About Us

Healing & Wellbeing Rooted in the heart of Scotland and Dorset and offered worldwide

Established in the dawning of 2021, Rock & Rose Rituals is committed to guiding you towards rediscovering your innate power and capacity for self-healing, allowing you to reconnect with your true essence and purpose.

Our services are conducted in alignment with the frequencies of the 'New Earth, or rather True Earth which is present in this here and now and available and accessible to all. Each of our products is meticulously crafted with the utmost love and respect for Mother Earth.

We exclusively utilise the finest natural, organic, and sustainably wildcrafted herbs, flowers, and raw materials. Through collaboration and communion with the plant and elemental realms, we attune our creations to precisely meet the needs of each individual in any given moment. In essence, our products are alchemical, ensuring that no two people will experience the same transformative journey with the same product.

Welcome Home, magnificent Soul.

Rock & Rose Temple & Earth School

At Rock and Rose Rituals, our magical healing space is more than just a physical location—it's a sanctuary of warmth, compassion, and transformative energy. Born amidst the wild beauty of the Scottish Highlands and now nestled amongst the trees, along the peaceful shores of the Dorset coast in Upton Country Park, our space is infused with the spirit of ancient wisdom and natural wonder. 

Here, amidst the gentle lapping of waves and the whispering of coastal winds, visitors are invited to step into a realm of healing and renewal. Whether you're seeking solace from life's challenges, a moment of reflection, or a deep connection with your inner self, our doors are open, ready to embrace you with love and understanding. Come, breathe in the salty sea air, feel the earth beneath your feet, and let the magic of Rock and Rose awaken the healer within you.

Please check our opening times on Google Maps when planning to visit as these do change wi th the seasons. 1:1 sessions run throughout the year by appointment.  

Our Candles

All of our candles are lovingly handmade by us using only coconut and rapeseed wax.

Why do we use this blend of wax? 

Our own unique blend of pure coconut wax and rapeseed wax is the heart of our candles. Our wax burns clean. It doesn’t release any toxic chemicals in the air, as with the old paraffin wax candles, so it is totally safe to your health and the environment. It burns slow and long and it also has an exceptional scent throw. But what we love the most is that no habitat is being destroyed, no families are losing their livelihood and no forests are cut down just so we can enjoy these benefits. Our wax is sincerely eco friendly,  vegan and ethically sourced.

Natural fragrances

If wax is the heart, scent is the soul of our candles. Just imagine walking across a field full of lilies or passing by a lilac bush or flowering jasmine; while sure you admire their beauty, their scent is what lingers with you for a long time making you forget about the stresses of the day. Our candles are no different. While they look charming to the eye, their smell is what can so easily transform your mood. But nice scents can compromise your health and we are very conscious about that. This is why we use only the most natural, un-cruel, vegan, ethically sourced essential and fragrance oils in our candles that are FREE from CMR’s (chemicals that are cancer causing, lead to mutations and toxic to reproduction), and are free from Phthalates, Parabens, Silicone and PEG.

Rediscovering the MAGIC

My name is Lisa Marie and I am the Founder and Chief Chandler here at Rock & Rose Rituals, the home of our wonderfully scented hand-poured natural candles, ritual bathing kits and other tools of remembrance and wellbeing. I am a Priestess of the Rose and Soul Midwife, assisting many to remember and embody more of the truth of who and what we are. Divine Soul. Whole and Holy.

Rock & Rose Rituals is my own world of play and discovery in collaboration with the plant and Elemental Kingdoms to which I reconnected with for the first time since childhood, upon moving to Scotland in 2018. Prior to this I had forgotten my connection after chasing the bright city lights of London where I was 'caterer to the stars' with my former business, feeding the likes of Jamie Oliver on his tv shows, the cast and crew of The Hobbit for Warner Films, cast and crew of the Netflix series, The Crown.. and when Google invited me to talk at their London HQ on my 'inspirational business' I knew I was done. I had taken this business much further (or rather it had taken me) than I first envisioned and I knew I was ready for the next phase of my evolution. I was also utterly burned out and had lost my sparkle and joy. So, I took the radical decision to let go of everything, husband included, buy a VW campervan and drive. 

What I initially thought may be a couple of months became close to 4 years, sleeping in countless forests, beside stone circles, countless lochs and coastlines.. living at the foot of the Cuillin mountains, close to the Fairy Pools on the Isle of Skye, with the wild horses in the New Forest and yes, the faeries in the Highlands of Scotland. During this time is also where I met Merlin, Magdalen, Scáthach, Cú Chulainn and a few others who's names you may recognise, which put me on the wholly unexpected path I am now on: an ordained Priestess of the Magdalen Rose and with my own 'demystified' mystery school on the Dorset coast where I work mainly with the children here now who are a whole new level of Human and are here to help show us the way to a most beautiful, bright new world. I know - without question - that this is why I incarnated at this time and my path and purpose. It took a lot of soul searching, shedding and courage to find it as it meant walking away from a lot of familiarity and security, but my goodness was it worth it! 

Through Rock & Rose Rituals I pass on the wisdom reawakened within me from my deep connection, communication, study and remembrance of plants and earth elements and studies in the Mystery Schools over many years and through the use of captivating scents as a Myrrhophore. I am so delighted to share with you stories and daydreams; memories of people, places and experiences and ancient rituals remembered that have shaped my journey on my path back to the wholeness of who I AM. It is my absolute honour, joy and bliss to be able to share these here with you now and my full intention to plug you too back into your......


Alchemy & Healing from a 9000 year old Yew Tree

How Rock & Rose Rituals came to be...

Rock & Rose Rituals has not been solely created by myself; I see myself as merely the conduit and messenger of the great wisdom held within nature, patiently waiting for us to tune in again as our ancestors once did. 

Rock & Rose Rituals is the creation of the Fortingall Yew Tree in Perthshire, the Heart of Scotland and her way of reaching people all over the world. Some estimate her to be around 9000 years old and in 2015 she changed sex from male to female, further confirming the return of the Divine Feminine/Goddess energies to Earth. It is also the year of my own, sudden spiritual awakening during a trip to Vancouver in 2015. 

In the summer of 2019, 4 months in to my Rose Priestess training, this tree called me to her on 2 separate occasions and so I knew I had to visit Her. When I arrived, I asked what it was that she wanted of me and I immediately heard the words "I would like to invite you to ingest a part of me, but I must warn you, I am poisonous to many." I knew nothing of the yew tree at that time, but I knew I was to eat some of her young needles. After it was done she said nothing more so I left and fell into a deep 3 hour sleep in my campervan in Glen Lyon followed by a 3 day shamanic death and rebirth experience. 

There is so much more to this story of course of which I will be sharing in greater detail when the time is right, but the result was our Ritual Bathing kits and candles which are all made by me and filled with her wisdom, energy and healing.

Whether you choose a candle or ritual bathing kit - a piece of botanical jewellery or our sacred art, you will receive exactly what is needed for you in the precise moment it is needed from the majestic Fortingall Yew tree and the powerful, potent land that is SCOTLAND.

If you have found your way here and are reading these words now, it is for a very beautiful and important reason and it is our deep honour and highest joy to serve you.

Meet our founder, Lisa Marie.